Travelling in the opposite direction? Rent a car from Melbourne to Adelaide

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Cheap One Way Rentals in Australia

Want to make the drive from Adelaide to Melbourne? Try out this easy to use car hire comparison tool to find cheap one-way rentals from Hertz, Thrifty, Avis, Budget, Europcar and Redspot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Distance from Adelaide to Melbourne

How far is it from Adelaide to Melbourne?

It’s 725 km or about an 8 hours’ drive taking the A8 Western Highway. If you’d like to take the Great Ocean Road however be prepared for over 900 kilometres of driving which will usually take at least around 11 or 12 hours behind the wheel – plus breaks and time you want to spend on sight-seeing.

Otways Views of the Otways, driving to Lorne. Photo: Alan Lam

Additional Fees?

Are there additional fees for one way car rental?

All prices listed on our site include one-way fees (if any) imposed by the rental car provider. There are no hidden fees and a break-down is often available at the end of your booking process (depending on supplier).

Learn More

Find out more about the Great Ocean Road, the 12 Apostles and the Otway Ranges.

Loch Ard Gorge The Loch Ard Gorge along the Great Ocean Road. A few minutes drive from the Twelve Apostles. Photo: Hadi Zaher

Find out more about renting a car in Melbourne or Adelaide.