Travelling in the opposite direction? Rent a car from Perth to Broome

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Save on WA Car Rentals

Are you planning a one way trip from Broome to Perth and need to rent a car? We will help you compare vehicles from Australia’s leading brands such as Avis, Budget, Thrifty and Hertz. Pick up your car at Broome Airport and drop it off at Perth Airport or at multiple locations around the city. Don’t go with the first quote – compare prices and save.

One Way Rentals – FAQ

How far is Broome from Perth?

It’s about 2350 km from Perth to Broome taking the North West Coastal Highway and National Route 1, which translates into a multi-day trip through Western Australia with at least 24h of driving time. Prepare well.

Does my quote include a one way car hire fee?

Quotes shown on our site are inclusive of any fees the car rental company requires for one-way rentals (this includes relocation fees). For some of our suppliers you can review the cost break-down on the booking page. There are no hidden fees.

Car Hire Broome to Perth: Availability

Our rule of thumb is to book as early as possible. Not only you’ll lock in a better rate in most cases than if you book last minute, but you’ll also avoid the disappointment of not getting a car at all, as the number of vehicles available for one way rental each year is limited and cars can get booked out quickly during busy times of the year.