Do you want to rent a Thrifty car in Port Macquarie? Try out our booking tool above to locate available rental vehicles at Port Macquarie Airport or from the Thrifty Downtown office. We charge no booking fees and we’ll at the same time find vehicles from other car rental providers in Port Macquarie including Avis, Budget and Hertz. Have an awesome time in town.

Thrifty – Port Macquarie Airport

Terminal Building,
Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444
Phone: 02 6584 2122

Thrifty – Port Macquarie

101 Hastings River Drive,
Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444
Phone: 02 6584 2122

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Hiring a cheap car is easy when you try our price comparison. Do you want to hire a compact car, 4×4, minivan or SUV? Find cheap rates from global companies. Find your vehicle at a multitude of locations around Australia. In most cases rental vehicles come with unlimited kms and optional equipment is available.