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So How Does This Work?

Compare rental vehicles all around Aotearoa (New Zealand), including in Rotorua. We’ve got cars from leading rental companies such as Avis, Hertz, Budget, Thrifty and Europcar. We don’t charge any booking fees, so you get an amazing deal – give it a try!


Credit Cards

Do I need a credit card to rent a car?

Yes. Usually a credit card in the name of the driver will be required when you pickup the vehicle. Selected debit cards may also be accepted – contact your chosen car rental provider to check.


Do you offer minivans?

Yes, several of the suppliers listed on our website offer 7, 8-seater and in some cases larger vehicles. If you would like to locate these vehicles quickly, select “Large" in the sorting options at the top of the page. Remember to as early as possible, as there tends to be a huge demand for these type of vehicles especially during the tourist season.

One Way Car Hire

Can I get a one way rental?

Yes, you can. One way rentals are possible. Just select your start destination at the top of this page, uncheck the “Return to the same location" and choose the end destination.